
Friday, May 23, 2008

Clam-o-licious, Oil, 22x28

At this size, maybe I've got clams 'out of my system' - ahem....  Seriously I did have such a blast painting these - I used, rose, sevres blue, indigo, cad yellow medium, cobalt, a hint of orange and alizarin - this is not your mothers' still life!


Nini said...

Perhaps you do not know who my mother is ;-) I do like what you've discovered in the clams, there are so many subtle colors in their shells, and you really capture that!

conor said...

These are awesome.

conor said...
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Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Oh, Nini, I DOOOOOO know who your mother is:) And I'm going a little 'clam crazy' these days!