
Monday, January 14, 2008

Update on 'The Birds'

A while ago I started this painting of small birds, and since then I've asked for criticism and/or comments from lots of people, then foolishly tried to respond to each suggestion.  I feel I've lost the original intensity of the piece, and am unhappy with this result.  I don't even feel like I can bring it back, but must start again (and don't know that I will...)  But this is one of the pieces I'm working on in the studio.


Rhonda Hurwitz said...

I don't know what it looked like before, but I think there is a quiet beauty in it and I love the design of it. Sometimes we are our own worst critics.

conor said...

the birds! I love it - and I agree about the quiet beauty of it - I like the tones - it's funny how a different color scheme and paint texture changes the same birds. I still love the under painting of it in blue and hope you do another!

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Errr. the underpainting in blue is another actual painting - I tried to enter it as a painting in the Duxbury show and - rejected!