
Sunday, March 9, 2008

A Wild One

For me, this is a HUGE oil painting.  It's something like 30x36.  I painted it one morning on the road to the old studio, when I was passing a field just as the sun was about to rise over the trees at the back of this yellow field of grass.  Everything was on fire, and as soon as I got to the studio I set to work.  It's not quite finished, but I thought you'd like to see something a little different for me.


conor said...

i love it.

Karen M Schmidt said...

Kelley, this is very cool ... did I understand you right that this is from memory?

I especially like the subtle glow in the sky ... nice!

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

3 weeks later I answer you Karen... ! Sorry! Yes, this was initially scrubbed in right when I got to the studio after seeing it, but I had no photo or anything to go by, just my memory (been reading too much Gaugin!)

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

I'm impressed that you are up before the sun. Nice glow to this.